Concerned about recent PAN-OS and other firewall/VPN CVEs? Take advantage of Zscaler’s special offer today

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How has enterprise traffic changed since the beginning of the pandemic?

Explore this dynamic dashboard to see how remote work has increased worldwide and by country from the beginning of 2020 to present day.The Work-from-Anywhere dashboard shows the countries with the most remote traffic and those with the highest percentage of in-office users— and how these trends have changed quarter-by-quarter. You can also discover which applications have grown in use and those that are generating the most traffic from remote users.

Every day, the Zscaler security cloud processes 140 billion transactions, giving us a unique view into how our customers’ employees are connecting and what they're connecting to.

Sobre o ThreatLabZ

ThreatLabZ é a equipe de pesquisa incorporada da Zscaler. Essa equipe global inclui especialistas em segurança, pesquisadores e engenheiros de rede responsáveis por analisar e eliminar ameaças na nuvem de segurança da Zscaler e investigar o cenário global de ameaças. A equipe compartilha suas pesquisas e dados da nuvem com o setor em geral para ajudar a promover uma internet mais segura.

Painel de atividades na nuvem | Zscaler ThreatLabz
Painel de atividades na nuvem
Uma visão, fornecida quase em tempo real, da velocidade e do volume em que a plataforma Zscaler está atuando.
Global Internet Threat Dashboard | Zscaler ThreatLabZ
Global Threat Map Dashboard
An interactive map that illustrates the threats that Zscaler has blocked during the past 24 hours using antivirus, advanced threat protection, and sandbox technology.
Global Internet Threat Dashboard | Zscaler ThreatLabZ
Global Internet Threat Insights
A graphical representation of the movement of global threats, showing countries of origin, target destinations, and threat types.
Global ISP Incidents
Global ISP Incidents
Review the health of the internet in real time. Instantly see ISP incidents mapped by severity around the world.
Cloud Application Dashboard | Zscaler ThreatLabZ
Cloud Application Dashboard
An interactive, graphical view of trends in the use of cloud-based applications on the Zscaler platform. Data can be filtered by application, date range, and industry verticals.
Encrypted Traffic Dashboard | Zscaler ThreatLabZ
Encrypted Traffic Dashboard
A dashboard that shows the volume of encrypted traffic as a percentage of total traffic moving across the cloud.
Global Enforcement Dashboard | Zscaler ThreatLabZ
Global Enforcement Dashboard
A depiction of the hourly transactions, threats blocked, and policies enforced worldwide in the Zscaler cloud.
IoT Dashboard | Zscaler ThreatLabZ
Internet of Things Dashboard
How much traffic is generated by things? More than you think.

Quão segura está sua empresa?

Verifique sua segurança com o Security Preview, nossa avaliação instantânea de risco. É gratuito, confidencial e seguro. 85% das empresas que realizam esse teste encontram vulnerabilidades que exigem atenção imediata.

Recursos sugeridos


2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Service Edge

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